Colombia / Argentina Tour with UnStumm in February 2019

unstumm poster colombia

Conversations of moving image and sound in South America in February and March 2019

Project Website :

UnStumm is a project for improvised film and music (Echtzeitfilm) for cross-disciplinary and crosscultural collaboration between filmmakers, video artists and musicians from Germany and other countries. The project is organized and curated by video artist Claudia Schmitz and guitarist/soundartist Nicola L. Hein.

The cooperation partners from Colombia are:
Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Mapa Teatro, Manizales: Universidad de Caldas, Rogelio Salmona University Cultural Center, Medellín: Museo De Arte Moderno, Santa Marta: Museo Bolivariano de Arte contemporáneo

The participating artists from Colombia are:
Ricardo Arias – ballon
Santiago Botero – double bass
Juan Orozco Velásquez – Video/performance (
Juan Restrepo – live-video (

The participating artists from Germany are:
Nicola L. Hein – guitar (
Claudia Schmitz – live moving image on sculpture (
Axel Dörner – trumpet, electronics (
Luis Negrón van Grieken – video/performance (

Interview in Santa Marta

Interviews form Museo de Arte Contemporeaneo Santa Marta Colombia

It aims to create an environment of cultural and creative exchange, where a common complex artistic language is invented and used to communicate narratives, textures, colliding, combining, attracting worlds of sight and sound. The group of eight artists will work together in two different groups for three days to create an audiovisual performance that explores multidisciplinary improvisation as well as structure and narrative. The resulting artworks reflect on the themes of interculturality, cultural identity, cross cultural communication, the history of artistic thought (in different cultures) and many other philosophical topoi. The concert encompasses two Echtzeit-movies, which are improvised by a group alongside a conceptual composition that has been worked out during the rehearsals. Every group presents a piece that is in between 40-50 minutes long.

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