media-based art projects

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Sacre Coeur

2013 Commission work for the St. Maria Am Kapitol Church, Cologne. Concept Luis Negrón van Grieken, Sound-Composition by Echo Ho. 9 Video Projectors,…



2010 Hoffmann is a multimedia dance theater based on german poet Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. The life of E.T.A. Hoffmann opens up in…


orpheus audio splatter

Direction: Andreas Tiedemann For the scenography a conceptual approach for the inner and outer space of Orpheus was built. Since the external physical…

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"In my search for the singular, the incomprehensible and the exceptional that surrounds me, I create a catalog of phenomena, mutating my approaches, thus creating a fabric of knowledge and experiences through art experimentally." Luis Negron van Grieken

Telefante / PerformancesAll posts

audiovisual concert telefante

The Longue Duree

Intermedia-Performance with das mollsche gesetz, telefante & Anthony Moore zu Fernand Braudels Text “The Mediterranian in the Ancient World”. Düsseldorf: Donnerstag 10. September,…

audiovisual concert telefante


2013 LIVE VIDEO MANIPULATION Luis Negrón van Grieken and Claudia Robles explores in dual projection by traveling vertically into the deepness of different…

audiovisual concert telefante


VIDEO PERFORMANCE / TELEFANTE 2007 the psychogeographical world of poet and painter William Blakes is the starting point for the invisible framework of…

audiovisual concert telefante


AV concert (telefante & das mollsche gesetz) Beethoven Festival 2006 live video manipulation, visual concept, programming    

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